Monday, June 2, 2008

they did it again!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i just love the my fingers are tired but my face isnt music. which i think is played somewhere here. or sounds like it

Anonymous said...

those girls are too whacky! you should have played tambourine in this one too!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Is the owner of this blog dating meghan toohey? If not then why you keep posting stuffs of her or related to her?

Anonymous said...

She probably keeps posting stuff of or related to Meghan Toohey because she is super talented and amazing. Who cares if they are dating or not. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. Meg Toohey is great. The Dirty Ballerina is beyond rad. This blog is here to share and divulge others in things they might not be exposed to otherwise. Am I right?

Anonymous said...

Agree absolutely...
If the DB hadn't shared/divulged any of Meghan's stuff I would never know how great Meghan is.
Honestly, I'm tired of the same damn thing on the media. I want to see something/someone new.
So, thanks DB for sharing.

Anonymous said...

who was asking if they were dating? i think it's kind of rude...

Anonymous said...

LOL... very clever!!!!

Anonymous said...

you both r grea. u made me laugh for the first time today. thanks. greetings from spain. Clara.